Creating a stand-out CV

As virtual working and video conferencing becomes more common, skills such as adaptability, communication and proactivity are valuable to potential employers.
Start by having your child watch the video below. This gives them all the ingredients they will need to create their very own standout CV.
Now your child understands what it takes to make their CV stand out, they can have a go at the activity below to create and improve their own CV.
You can either complete this with your child (you don’t need to be an expert just follow the pointers), or they can use the worksheets provided independently.
Building a brilliant CV
To begin get your child to use the CV Builder interactive tool. If your child already has a CV, they can also use the CV Tips tool to discover ways to improve it.
Your child will have the option to connect the tool to their Facebook or Twitter accounts. The tool will gather information from their social media profile to start building their CV and create a picture of who they are based on their liked pages, interests, etc.
Note that Barclays will not store your data or use it outside of the tool.
Help your child move through each section of the tool, filling in details about their personal statement, education, work experience, achievements, skills and interests.
Each section includes top tips for completing the different elements. Ask them to think about examples where they have displayed key skills, such as in a remote learning situation that meant that a school group presentation was carried out via a digital collaboration tool. This could be used as evidence of adaptable working (working in a different style to normal), and show how they communicated well using digital skills.
Once they’ve finished using the tool, they can download a Word document version of the CV they’ve built so they can save it and edit it as needed when applying for different roles.