Wheel of strengths

With the many types of industries and roles out there your young adult might be wondering where to start when thinking about their future careers. Knowing what jobs are a good fit can be a great place to begin for a range of situations, from choosing a work experience placement or course to study, or simply if your young person is looking for a bit of inspiration on the world of careers.
Amongst many other free tips and tools, our Young People hub has a fun Wheel of Strengths tool to help them find job roles which match up to their interests and skills. It also helps young people know how to develop their existing skills and learn new ones to get ready for the world of work.
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Once your young adult has spun the wheel, why not use the following questions as conversation starters to chat through how they found it. It could also be a fun introduction to the chat if you also spin the Wheel of Strengths and share what you matched.
How do you feel when you are doing something you are really good at or very interested in?
Were you surprised at some of the results you got? Why is that?
What jobs appealed most to you? Why is that?
What might researching roles help with?
Has completing the tool made you think differently about future jobs?
Do other influences such as friends, parents or educators that affect your choices for future jobs? What role does self believe play in dealing with those?