
A free employability and financial education programme, to unlock skills and employment opportunities for all ages.  Accessed through educators, organisations, families or directly, as well as our specialist charity partners who work in under-represented communities providing tailored support. 


Our impact

We’re proud of the positive impact that LifeSkills has had since 2013 – helping millions of people develop the vital employability and financial skills they need to succeed at work and better manage their money.

Upskilling young people through educators and specialist charity partners


We have registrations from over 90% of UK secondary schools


87% of young people have improved their awareness of their own strengths and skills


153,000 educators registered from across the UK (source: LifeSkills report

"I have been able to identify and build skills I would not have thought about. I have been able to use my learning to become a school ambassador and have won an award at an Enterprise Event”.

Male, 15-16 years, secondary school, England

"The [resources] were easy to put together, there was a logical flow, and there was a massive range of activities. So, tutors can pick and choose, as long as it meets the learning objective of the lesson”.

Head of PSHE — Secondary school, England (South East) 

Connecting adults with work


Through collaboration, over 5,000 adults secured employment


73% of people said our financial tips helped them save money (source: LifeSkills report

"Nathan was homeless and had recently left prison. His Job Centre Work Coach, referral partner and Barclays’ charity partner collaborated to help Nathan find employment. He was supported with CV and interview preparation, training courses as well as a voucher for interview clothes. Nathan settled in well to his new employment and was subsequently promoted”.

Barclays LifeSkills Charity Partner

Find out more about the charities that Barclays LifeSkills works with, to help support adults and families who are facing barriers getting into work.

Supporting families through a mixture of grants and training


Feedback respondents who took part in Family Action LifeSkills sessions reported that they have increased their confidence and/or skills as well as improving their social networks.

"This grant has been a saving grace and
I can’t believe we had this level of support.
I genuinely feel like I can breathe again and focus. I want to go back into employment as I feel like I can do it and give back. For the longest time I felt lonely, invisible, depressed and didn’t know where to turn.
I couldn’t even think about my own goals but this grant allowed me to do just that.
It gave me hope and it gave me a break”.

Participant supported through Family Action’s Learning Support Grants Programme

Find out more about the charities that Barclays LifeSkills works with, to help support adults and families who are facing barriers getting into work.

Barclays LifeSkills is working in partnership to support young people,
young adults and families to thrive, now and in future

Breaking Barriers catch 22 family action Generation Jersey Employment Trust SEO LONDON SMALLWOOD TRUST Springboard Charity STREET LEAGUE Teach First The Prince's Responsible Business Network The Talent Foundry the trussell trust St Christopher’s

I’m here to help others

For teachers, charities, frontline workers and families

I’m here to help myself

For learners from school through to university and beyond

Getting started