5 ways to turn your internship into a job

5 ways to turn your internship into a job 5 ways to turn your internship into a job 5 ways to turn your internship into a job 5 ways to turn your internship into a job

Time to complete

6 minutes

You worked hard to get that Summer internship (like, really hard) so wouldn’t it be nice to not have to start entirely from scratch looking for a permanent role? Not to mention the fact you’re really enjoying the work and you get on really well with your colleagues. Make all your hard work a little harder with these five simple things to get you noticed.


1. Act the part

Envision yourself in the position you want after your internship.

Don’t carry yourself in a superior manner.

Treat everyone you meet with respect and make a good first impression.

Listen, use initiative and complete tasks on time.


2. Network

This is one of the biggest aspects of ‘fitting in’.

Talk to colleagues and find out more about the company.

Honestly, we know you have a life… but for real…socialise.

Networking like this gives you the opportunity to meet people and make great contacts.

Engage with company culture.


3. Prioritise tasks

It can be overwhelming when there’s a lot to do and you want to impress your boss but make sure you organise and prioritise.

Learning how to stay on top of your work and showing that you can approach tasks logically, calmly and efficiently even when under pressure will always look good.


4. Ask questions

Don’t be shy, especially if you need clarification on a task.

This is also a good way of showing you’re engaged and interested in the company, showing your ambition and long-term interest.

Be confident in your approach but don’t stray in to arrogance.


 5. Arrive early

You’ve probably heard this many, many times!

That’s because it’s such an easy and important way to impress.

It counts for all aspects of your role, not just getting to work early, but arriving at meetings early and well prepared, etc.

It shows your dedication and passion for your role, and that you are respectful of other people’s time.

If you show all the qualities of a good employee, it will be easier for your boss to picture you in a permanent role.

While a permanent position might not always be available, making the best impression possible will always be in your best interest. A positive reference, new people in your network who can recommend both you and the way you work, and really good work experience will all help you on the road to getting a permanent job. So remember, be yourself, don’t try too hard and most of all… Good luck.