How to get organised for school

How to get organised for school How to get organised for school How to get organised for school How to get organised for school

Time to complete

2 minutes

Ahh, the start of the school year. Often a time where people go crazy sorting out, organising and buying new things, only to forget about their best intentions after the first week of school. Don’t fall into that trap. Follow my top three tips for organisation at the start of the year, and you’ll be sorted for anything that school throws your way!

  1. Sort out your bag

A school bag is often filled with old sweet wrappers, broken pens, bits of paper and a whole multitude of different things that you accumulate over the school year. It can get kinda grotty in there. So, before your first day, sort through the rubbish and make your bag mess free. Then – remember to keep it that way! Clean bag = clean mind. 

  1. Get some working pens

You know there’s always that one person in a class who needs to borrow a pen. Every. Single. Lesson. Don’t be that person. You will gain no friends that way. Instead, at the start of the year, buy a pack of any old biros (they don’t need to be expensive, they only need to write) and start each lesson being prepared for any eventuality (as long as it involves writing).

  1. Sort out a work space

You can have the most flawlessly prepared bag, and the most beautiful pens, but if you can’t actually do any work at home? You’re a little bit stuck. Find somewhere where you can store all your books and bits of paper together, and somewhere quiet to concentrate and do your work.

Now, you’ll be ready and prepared to take on the term! Cup of tea anyone?