Your guide to coaching adult learners

For educators working with adult learners, we recommend reading the educator delivery guide and following our three-stage approach to ensure that they get the most out of the LifeSkills programme.
The guide is your introduction to the programme and an all in one guide to all of the content we have for adult learners. It is designed to help you get the best out of the programme and includes everything you need to deliver the modules.
A step by step delivery guide
Detailing our three stage process (below) involving the LifeSkills wheel, the goal setting tools and an overview of the modules and which areas of the wheel they relate to.
Step 1: LifeSkills wheel
When you start the programme, the first tool you should use is the LifeSkills wheel. This is a simple but powerful initial assessment tool which gives your learners a snapshot of the areas in their life they need to develop relating to their work or finances.
Step 2: Goal setting
Once your learners have used the LifeSkills wheel to identify an area they want to focus on, use this tool to empower them to set goals and plan how to achieve them, step-by-step.
Step 3: The Modules
Choosing an area to focus on and setting achievable goals will help identify which modules to use with your learners. Designed to be short, relevant and flexible, they’re based around financial capability and employability skills, which can be adjusted based on time limitations and the degree of support your learners require.
Supporting your learners through the programme
LifeSkills follows a coaching-based approach to create a trusting, non-judgemental and positive space in which learners can come to their own answers through open questioning and active listening.
You don’t need to be a trained coach to deliver these modules. The educator delivery guide gives you an overview of the core principles of coaching, from ‘it’s always their agenda’ to being ‘solution-focused’ to help you motivate and build the confidence of your learners.
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