5 motivational techniques to help you achieve your goals

When you lack motivation, completing things like coursework or personal projects can sometimes feel almost impossible. Understanding and tapping into what motivates you can help you plan ahead and achieve things you’ll be proud of. Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Set yourself a bigger goal
A goal is something you want to aim for in life, but it doesn’t have to be in 20 years’ time. Why not set yourself a 12-month target – the one main thing you want to achieve by next year.
It could be to:
- pass exams and carry on studying
- get an apprenticeship
- earn enough money to spend a summer working abroad
- get your foot in the door of a great organisation
Keep reminding yourself how you’ll feel when you complete your goal. When the reward is within reach you’ll find it easier to stay motivated to reach the finish line.
2. Set smaller goals along the way
Whatever your main goal is, you’ll need to take smaller steps to get there. These might be:
- completing a training course
- applying for work experience
- getting a Saturday job
- volunteering in your local community. To get started, why not check out the UK’s national volunteering database, Do-it.
Breaking down your ambition into smaller tasks will make it feel easier from day to day and the constant progress will keep you motivated. Make a list of all the steps and take satisfaction in crossing each off when you complete them.
3. Do your research
People often give up on their plans because their expectations are too high or they’re not quite ready to make such a huge leap. There’s no harm in thinking big, though you need to remember that getting a job as, let’s say, a mechanic, a journalist or a nurse, will take time and hard work.
Don’t be discouraged, but do be realistic about what it will take to achieve your goals. Do your research and set your plans accordingly, then it will all start to feel real and much more achievable.
4. Get support
Chat with a friend, your parents or a teacher about your goal and how you’re going to achieve it. You’ll no doubt get some valuable advice and encouragement as a result, just from hearing a second opinion if nothing else. Plus, once people know about your goal, you’ll find it harder to abandon it and it will strengthen your commitment.
5. Stay positive
Be prepared for obstacles on the path to achieving your goal – there might be a few, but that’s to be expected and completely normal. When issues do present themselves, don’t rush to react – relax, think them through and most importantly, don’t give up.
The challenges that come your way as you work towards your goal will serve as priceless experiences to help you build your skills and knowledge. Don’t be discouraged; take them on board as part of the process. You never know what you might discover. Check out the 6 stages of problem solving module useful for more inspiration.