How hidden skills can boost your career

When it comes to thinking about your career you may worry whether or not you’re good enough for a role or if you have the right skills and experience. Fear not. You have hidden strengths you may not be aware of that could help you secure the role of a lifetime. Head of LifeSkills, Kirstie Mackey, identifies some commonly overlooked talents and reveals how you can make the most of them:
The Social Butterfly
If you're great at talking to people and making friends then you already have a lot of potential in the eyes of an employer. Using your social skills can result in building important client relations, bringing in new business and forging strong connections with colleagues. Make sure you show off these skills when applying for jobs.
The Fixer
Are you the one your friends always call when there’s been a disaster that needs to be fixed? Being able to work out what to do in a tricky situation is a huge plus for any prospective employer. Don't be afraid to be the first to volunteer for the big project or speak up in meetings. By making yourself known and your ideas heard, you can really further your career.
The Cheerleader
You might also be the go-to friend when someone you know is feeling down. If you have a knack for keeping people happy, then you have the skills of a great office cheerleader. Managers value the ability to keep the office happy, on task, achieving goals and working well together.
The Stylist
If you’ve ever experienced the horror of turning up for a party dressed to the max, and everyone else is in skinny jeans and t-shirts, then you know how important it is to look the part. Knowing how to dress is a professional skills that shows you’re capable of making a good impression and demonstrates you’re able to judge occasions and act accordingly. If in doubt, always dress a little bit smarter than you think – it’s better to look too smart than not smart enough.
The Organiser
Those meticulous event plans – from birthday parties to a trip to the shops – sure, they might drive everyone around you a bit bonkers but your organisational skills can actually be a real asset to any employer. Your project management will shine at work if you always stay on top of administration. If you have new processes or ideas for increasing efficiency, then speak to your boss. This will prove that you are using your initiative, while also highlighting your great ideas.
For more advice on discovering your skills, check out the module, 5 ways to find out what you’re good at.