Handling nerves at job interviews

Your one-on-one has become a group session, you get a question you weren’t expecting or hadn’t prepared for, or maybe you’re just having a bad day. Relax. It’s all going to be okay. This is where your preparation – and a couple of useful tips like the following – can really come in handy:
Slow it down
Nerves can cause you to speed up your speech. If you naturally get nervous or speak quickly, there are many ways to tackle this. Dan has some handy advice to help you on your way:
Watch your (body) language
In an interview, due to nerves or just lack of practice, you can be saying one thing, while your body is saying something completely different. Samuel explains how to get back in sync:
Clear communication
When trying to impress an employer in an interview, communicating well is a really important tool for making the right impression. Michael gives some pointers on how to get it right:
If you feel yourself starting to get nervous, consider the tips above. You might also think about the people interviewing you. They were once in the same position as you and they made it through. You can also check out more helpful modules about confidence here.