Keeping safe against cybercrime

This module will focus on how individuals can keep their finances safe online by protecting their personal information and recognising risks of fraud, scams and identity theft.
By the end of the module learners will be able to:
- Identify ways to stay safe online and protect themselves from the most common types of fraud, scams and identity theft
- Understand their digital footprint and why putting too much information online can increase their security risk
- Understand where to go for support and advice should they be worried they have been a victim of fraud, scams or identity theft
Virtual training session:
LifeSkills has partnered with education charity The Talent Foundry to deliver virtual training sessions that can be watched at home. The video below provides some tips and guidance on how to be more fraud aware.
How to find out more about fraud?
Take Five for straightforward and impartial advice to help protect against preventable financial fraud
Which? scams alert service provide examples on the latest scams doing the rounds
Action Fraud follow on social media for updates on the latest frauds and scams