Search results for ‘CV

What work experience gives you

Find out about the wide range of valuable things you can gain from having a go at some form of work experience.

5 different types of experience to show employers

Find out about the wide range of ways you can build valuable skills, to help you stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs.

Types of job and skills by profession

Curious about the world of work? Learn about different types of job and the skills needed to succeed in each profession with case studies and more from LifeSkills.

How being proactive got Alfred hired

12 contacts in 45 minutes – how being proactive got Alfred Ajani the job, and national attention

Fledglink app top tips

Fledglink is a free app designed to help young people with careers advice and employment. Learn how to create a stand out profile and make the most out of its features.

5 myths about the working world…and the reality I’ve found

5 myths Miles heard about working, and the reality he found early in his career.

Know your skills

Make yourself aware of the skills you possess by looking at how you already use them to overcome life’s little challenges

4 goals to set in the new year

4 goals to set yourself that will get you where you want to be by the end of the year

5 tips for writing a great job application

How to make your application stand out and effectively showcase your skills, experience and personality.

Tweet your way to the top

Head of LifeSkills Kirstie Mackey explains how social networking is the new networking.

How to decide what to do after school

Figuring out your next steps can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be scary. And changing your mind is allowed.

How organising a party could get you a job

From communication to creative thinking, the skills that you can learn from extra-curricular activities

Why you should consider learning how to code

Even if you don’t fancy a career in technology, understanding basic coding can seriously boost your career prospects.

Why not to get too down about rejection

One perspective on rejection, and how it can effect our lives for the better

What does this job want? Understand job ad jargon

Get to grips quickly with what potential employers are saying – and what they want from you – with this handy guide.

In conversation with Mohammed, the first LifeSkills Champion

Hear from our first Champion out about his experience and why others should get involved.

10-Step Guide to Interview Prep

Tips and practical advice to help you prepare for your interview and keep the butterflies at bay