Value of maths

This lesson has been created in collaboration with National Numeracy, the independent charity that works to improve how people understand and work with numbers in everyday life, sparking better opportunities and brighter futures.
Maths is all around us, when we are at home, at work or socialising. Having confidence in facing maths in our everyday lives is a key skill that can be developed and nurtured with practice.
This module will encourage learners to explore the value of maths when working with money.
At the end of the module learners will be able to:
- Openly discuss the value of maths in everyday life
- Understand how they can feel confident with numbers when working with money
Being number confident can be challenging at any age, if you as an educator would benefit in strengthening your number skills why not try National Numeracy’s Number Challenge? The web-based learning tool is designed to help adults improve their maths skills in manageable steps, whilst building confidence along the way.