Search results for ‘How to get work experience

How to be assertive at work

Find the balance between firm and fair in order to make your point and get a good outcome for everyone.

Inclusivity diversity case studies

Learn about the importance of inclusivity and diversity at work with our case studies – covering gender, disability, LGBTQ+ and more…

How the world of work is changing video

With technology changing the world of work, it’s affecting the way we carry out certain jobs and changing the types of jobs available.

How making a pizza got me a promotion

Creativity can bring a lot of value to the workplace – as these three inventive employees found out.

Let’s talk about money: managing your salary, in conversation

Two friends discuss how they make it through the month, keep out of the red and stay on top of money matters.

Start your business with a business mentor

A business mentor can help you start your own business and achieve your goals. Discover how a mentor can work for you.

How do you feel about maths?

Help adult learners to build their confidence with maths and numbers with this free learning module from LifeSkills.

Don’t panic! You can manage independent living

Kieran alleviates some common fears around independent living, and offers a bit of hard won advice.

Workplace diversity inclusion

Learn about diversity and inclusion at work – what it means, why it’s important and how to find a diverse and inclusive employer.

How different working environments can help your business

You’ve made the decision to start your own business but how can different environments help you grow your business

How to have a successful career

Being open to new ways of thinking and doing things, and tackling new challenges, can help kick your career into high gear.

Why you should consider learning how to code

Even if you don’t fancy a career in technology, understanding basic coding can seriously boost your career prospects.

Growth mindset for students

Find out about growth mindset, what it means and how it can help you to get ahead at school, college, university or in everyday life.

5 tips for writing a great job application

How to make your application stand out and effectively showcase your skills, experience and personality.

Overcoming setbacks

This module focuses on positive challenge for growth. It will encourage learners to reflect how they currently deal with setbacks and consider how they can take a new approach.

10-Step Guide to Interview Prep

Tips and practical advice to help you prepare for your interview and keep the butterflies at bay

5 tips on the STAR interview technique

Read our 5 tips on how to use the STAR method technique including answers from other young people to help succeed at your interview and getting into work.

Interview skills 2: Practical answering techniques

This module will introduce learners to the STAR technique, a simple model they can use during interviews to structure their experiences and give meaningful, evidence-based answers.

What does this job want? Understand job ad jargon

Get to grips quickly with what potential employers are saying – and what they want from you – with this handy guide.