Search results for ‘CV

CV Tips

Make your CV as good as it can possibly be and impress potential employers with some help from our CV Tips tool.

CV Builder

Use the CV Builder to create a CV that goes to the top of the pile when you start applying for jobs.

CV Builder Tool

Use the CV Builder to create a CV that goes to the top of the pile when you start applying for jobs.

CV skills 1: Showing your best you

Find out how to write an accurate, relevant CV that can help learners secure a job interview.

CV skills 2: Tailoring applications to roles

This module builds upon the concepts of CV skills 1: Showing your best you module and will help a learner to understand why their CV should be tailored to each job they apply to.

Tailoring your CV

Improve job application success by tailoring your CV to the job. Find out how to do this effectively with our top tips.

What is a CV

Find out everything you need to know about CVs – what it is, what they should include & how an effective CV can improve your job application success.

The 12 most common CV mistakes

Silly CV mistakes can make or break your application. Read our expert tips on the common problems to avoid.

How to use the LifeSkills CV builder

How to use the LifeSkills CV builder and tips from a newbie.

How to get the most out of school (and build an awesome CV in the process)

Lily, aged 16, shares her top tips on how to get the most out of school!

The Dictionary of Skills

Give your CV or job application a serious boost with the right skills and descriptions.

Play the boss

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential employer and judge some CV do’s and don’ts to see what it takes to get hired.

I want help applying for jobs

From CVs to cover letters to applying for jobs that aren’t even advertised, find out what employers are really looking for and get your applications up to scratch.

How to get work experience

Click here for an update on LifeSkills work experience placements

What to include in a cover letter

This module will explore why sending a covering letter/covering email with a CV is recommended and will provide top tips and examples of how to structure a covering letter.