Search results for ‘CV Builder

CVs and covering letters – putting their best foot forward

How do these two crucial documents combine to make a positive first impression?

Tips for job hunting | LifeSkills

Are your students applying for jobs? Don’t let them hit send before they’ve read these simple mistakes that could cost them the role of their dreams, courtesy of Head of LifeSkills Kirstie Mackey.

How to decide what to do after school

Figuring out your next steps can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be scary. And changing your mind is allowed.

How to be a cut above the rest in a competitive job market

This blog considers the challenges of a competitive job market and explores how learners can stand our to employers when applying for jobs.

5 tips for writing a great job application

How to make your application stand out and effectively showcase your skills, experience and personality.

CV skills lesson two: Fine-tuning your CV to stand out to employers

Learn how to write job applications, CVs and covering letters that work.

Tailoring your CV and using networks lesson

Help students understand networking and how to improve their CV.

CV skills lesson one: Writing a successful CV

Help students understand the purpose of a CV and explore ways they can make themselves stand out from the crowd.