Search results for ‘Key Skills

Developing a lifelong learning mindset

This blog aims to promote the benefits of developing a lifelong mindset for the future and offers educators suggestions for discussion it with their learners.

The Journey to your Career (SEND and ALN)

This lesson is designed to help students with SEND/ALN identify the key decisions and stages to consider for their transition into employment.

Self confidence lesson (SEND and ALN)

This lesson is designed to help students with SEND/ALN to overcome worries and challenges to grow their confidence.

Exploring personal strengths for employment lesson (SEND and ALN)

This lesson is designed to help students with SEND/ALN identify their strengths, skills and personalities to help them on their career journey

banking budgeting activity for kids

Budgeting is one of the most important skills to master when managing money, introducing this to children when they are young will help set them up for their adult life.

5 ways to stay motivated and get more done

Staying motivated is key to achieving your goals. If you’re struggling, follow these simple steps to stay on track.

The Virtual Interview Practice tool: An educator’s experience

Find out how the ‘interview practice tool’ can help your students feel confident in an interview situation.

How to make a great first impression

Win over the boss, charm your colleagues and start as you mean to go on with these key bits of advice.

Saving money and sticking to a budget

Saving money and keeping to a budget are skills you’re never too young to learn. Help your child understand the importance of money management. Includes worksheet.

Online reputation and social networking lesson (SEND and ALN)

This lesson is designed to help students with SEND/ALN understand how to use their online reputation to create a positive impression with potential employers.

How to market your business

Getting your message out is key - from social media to online reviews, word of mouth, local ads and more. Here are our top tips to raise your profile and win new customers.

Dealing with financial dilemmas

Encourage students to consider attitudes to money, common money-related mistakes and threats, and how to safeguard financial information.

Value of maths

Help adult learners to build their confidence with maths and numbers with this free learning module from LifeSkills.

Help your students become expert problem solvers

Find out about the 6-step process we’ve created to help support young people in developing their problem solving skills.

Confidence when returning to work

Adaptability skills can help young people manage unexpected changes in their working life. Read more about adaptive thinking in this lesson.

How do you feel about maths?

Help adult learners to build their confidence with maths and numbers with this free learning module from LifeSkills.

The career journey

Identify the core transferable skills students need to develop, to aid them on their career journey.

How to look after your personal finances

However well you think you know your money, there’s always an opportunity to boost your own financial capability and we’ve put together help in five key areas.

Understanding proactivity

Find out how taking the initiative and making things happen can help you at work.