Search results for ‘Digital Skills

Communication and digital skills at work

Help students understand how to develop different digital communication styles for different situations at work.

Big Data: Big what?

Help students understand what big data is, how businesses are using it and how it is changing the future workplace.

Communicating digitally in the world of work

Help students understand the importance of email communication and how to adapt their digital communication dependant on the situation.

What is coding?

Check out our guide for support on delivering coding in your classroom to build key digital skills.

Why you should get your students coding

ICT Director Matt Britland discusses the important skills learnt from coding and tips for delivering it in the classroom

Money skills lesson four: Digital payments

Help students explore technology that supports money management and consider the impact of technology on the future of personal finance.

Building a positive online reputation

Help students understand the importance of netiquette and support them in building a positive online reputation.

Know your iRights

Find out which resources support the five key principles that empower and enable young people to be creative, knowledgeable and fearless online.


Good leadership styles and effective teamwork can help students excel in their future workplace. Read more about team leader skills in this lesson.

Online reputation in the workplace

Help students understand how social media can be effectively used to build their personal brand and promote themselves to employers.

Networking skills lesson

Explain the benefits to and different types of networking, top tips and how inclusive behaviour can support networking skills.

Interview skills

Help students equip themselves with the tools to prepare for interviews, so they can perfect their technique and impress employers.

The career journey

Identify the core transferable skills students need to develop, to aid them on their career journey.

The Journey to your Career (SEND and ALN)

This lesson is designed to help students with SEND/ALN identify the key decisions and stages to consider for their transition into employment.

Listening and speaking (communication)

Understanding the different types and styles of communication is crucial to success in the workplace. Discover how to develop these skills in young people.

How to make the move to secondary school as easy as possible for your child (and you too)

Moving up to secondary school is a major step for students and parents. Read the advice of a parent of year seven twins who have just made the transition.

Developing a lifelong learning mindset

This blog aims to promote the benefits of developing a lifelong mindset for the future and offers educators suggestions for discussion it with their learners.

How to have a positive mindset

Staying positive isn’t always easy, especially in times of change. Passing on ways to help children keep a positive outlook can help them as they move towards their working life.

5 reasons why you should share your skills online

Hear from Digitalme about the impact of having a Champions Digital Badge

Use your ‘emotional’ skills to compete in a digital world

You’ll be in great demand from employers if you show a high degree of emotional intelligence or ‘EQ’. We take a look at ‘the other kind of smart’.