Search results for ‘Lesson Plans

Remote learning

Explore our remote resources, supporting online learning sessions and independent study. From engaging Online lesson films to Interactive worksheets.

Building a positive online reputation

Help students understand the importance of netiquette and support them in building a positive online reputation.

Online reputation in the workplace

Help students understand how social media can be effectively used to build their personal brand and promote themselves to employers.

Money skills lesson two: Value for money

Help students budget, plan for their future and get value for money on purchases.

Networking skills lesson

Explain the benefits to and different types of networking, top tips and how inclusive behaviour can support networking skills.

Self confidence

Help students to overcome challenges and think confidently. This lesson will help your student learn how to do this.

Recognising skills for success in the workplace lesson

The activities on this page support your students to identify why these skills are important, which ones they already possess and how they can demonstrate these on their CV.

The career journey

Identify the core transferable skills students need to develop, to aid them on their career journey.

A fast changing job landscape

Find out more about how the changing world of work will affect the employment landscape.

Six ways to teach creativity and supercharge students’ future

Roisin Ellison from the RSA highlights six ways you can build creativity into your employability

Supporting young people’s mental health & wellbeing for successful futures

Find advice on supporting students’ mental health in order to help them succeed

Wellbeing toolkit

Explore a suite of activities on the importance of mental wellbeing, top tips for maintaining positive mental wellbeing, and the effects it has on future success and career prospects.

Five steps to developing students’ life skills for the future

Find support to help students develop the right mindset and kick start their career journey

Budgeting and planning for the future

Budgeting is crucial for planning the future effectively. Use this tailored activity and introduce young care leavers to how to do a personal budget.

Confidence when returning to work

Adaptability skills can help young people manage unexpected changes in their working life. Read more about adaptive thinking in this lesson.

Steps to starting a business

Practise using enterprise skills to set up a business and apply a recommended approach to taking forward a business idea.

Ways to save money

Discover how to help young people who have experienced care to reduce spending and live independently. Click here to access this tailored activity.

Introducing insurance

The world of insurances can be scary for young care leavers. Introduce them to insurance benefits, terms and concepts with this tailored activity.

Let’s talk careers quick-fire activity

Quick-fire activity to encourage peer-to-peer careers conversations that identify the skills needed to achieve student goals.

Why you should get your students coding

ICT Director Matt Britland discusses the important skills learnt from coding and tips for delivering it in the classroom