Search results for ‘SEND

What to include in a cover letter

This module will explore why sending a covering letter/covering email with a CV is recommended and will provide top tips and examples of how to structure a covering letter.

How to save more money

This module will help learners identify their spending and saving habits, using case studies to help with distancing.

Planning your personal budget

A virtual session about planning and using a personal budget to help learners take control of their finances.

Managing your debt

This module helps learners to identify bills they need to pay, looks at how we get into debt and how to prioritise repaying bills.

Becoming financially responsible

Support individuals who are taking on sole financial responsibility, likely due to a change in their circumstances.

Building your career network

This module aims to help learners proactively seek opportunities to network and increase their ability to source jobs that might not have seemed accessible otherwise.

Taking control of your income

This module will help learners to understand their income, including from work and other sources such as benefits, and understand the main features of a payslip.

Interview skills 3: Preparing for assessments

Introduce different types of interview and assessments learners may be invited to, and apply what they've learnt to a mock interview to build confidence.

Interview skills 2: Practical answering techniques

This module will introduce learners to the STAR technique, a simple model they can use during interviews to structure their experiences and give meaningful, evidence-based answers.

Explaining the importance of insurance

This module will introduce learners to the concept of insurance, and why it is an important part of financial stability and independence.

CV skills 1: Showing your best you

Find out how to write an accurate, relevant CV that can help learners secure a job interview.

Keeping safe against cybercrime

This module will focus on how individuals can keep their finances safe online by protecting their personal information and recognising risks of fraud, scams and identity theft.

Overcoming setbacks

This module focuses on positive challenge for growth. It will encourage learners to reflect how they currently deal with setbacks and consider how they can take a new approach.

Creating your personal brand

This module will help learners build a personal brand and understand how this is presented in the workplace.

Understanding banks and money management

Help learners to understand the different types of bank accounts available and how each type can be used to help manage their money.

Finding better work opportunities

This module will boost learners' confidence and resilience by increasing positivity and managing their doubts to give them the best chance of success in returning to work.

Boosting confidence to return to work

This module will boost learners' confidence and resilience by increasing positivity and managing their doubts to give them the best chance of success in returning to work.

Filling out application forms confidently

Discover our top tips for filling in application forms and have a practise with a job application example template.

Understanding bank accounts and your statements

This module helps learners to learn about different types of bank accounts, how to open an account and understand their bank statements.

Building key financial management and negotiation skills

Focus on key finance skills that will be useful in a wide variety of jobs, especially roles that include looking after any size of budget.